Ukraine: Center for Urban History of East-Central Europe Research Competition

Category: Scholarship competition in Ukraine / Ukraina

The Center for Urban History of East-Central Europe is pleased to announce a competition for grants towards the research that fits the topic:
“Modern East-Central European City in the 19th and 20th Centuries: Commonalities of Urbanity, Regional Variations and Vectors of Change.”

Competition’s Description:
We expect researchers applying for the grants to analyze cities of the region in respect to their “modernity” and specificity of “East-Central Europe.” Keeping in mind problematic character of both above-mentioned terms, we would like to probe theories using them against the empiric material provided by the region’s cities.

Chronologically we expect research to be limited to roughly 1760-2000, geographically – the cities of the Habsburg and European part of Romanov Empires, European part of Soviet Union and European states of the socialist block.

Methodologically we are open to the whole range of approaches but would like to concentrate on the social and cultural history broadly defined. The researchers should be committed to urban history as transnational and transdisciplinary approach able to transgress traditional academic divisions by concentrating on the concrete places analyzed complexly. We encourage comparative approach not through the research focusing on explicit comparison but through general attention to the entangled and criss-crossing pasts of these cities, communication and intellectual exchange with other participants of the project.

Thematically project participants’ research will have to touch upon at least some of the following:

peculiarities of the 19th and 20th century urbanization process in East-Central Europe (demography, infrastructure, class formation);
formation and contestation of urban space, its structure and usage;
urban policies – techniques of governmentality, public space, citizenship, municipal community, and civic action;
representations of the city and in the city, meanings, symbols, imagination and fantasies displayed, performed and rethought.

Research Support:
The research support is given in three categories:

Graduate scholarships
Short-term research and travel grants
Live-in stipends

Timetable of the application process:

all the applications should be submitted by 1 January, 2007
the selection process starts on 2 January, 2007
the applicants will be notified about the decision by 1 February, 2007, which the date when the scholarships commence.

Download the application details here.

Center for Urban History of East Central Europe
Address: Vul. Akad. Bohomoltsia 6, 79005 Lviv, 1st floor. (Ukraine)
Opening hours: Mo-Fri 10 to 17.
Tel.: +38-0322-751309, +38-0322-764088
Fax: +38-0322-751309, +38-0322-751799
E-mail: institute@lvivcenter.org

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