England: PhD TAMBA Heritability Twin Study at School of Medicine 2007

Category: Scholarship UK: PhD TAMBA Heritability Twin Study at School of Medicine University of Birmingham

Division of Primary Care, Public and Occupational Health
Department of Public Health and Epidemiology
Unit of Genetic Epidemiology

The objectives of this twin study are 1) to establish a new twins cohort for long-term follow-up; 2) to identify and collect information on anthropometry, child development, CVD risk factors, and health; 3) to measure the concordance in these phenotypes between monozygotic and dizygotic twins; 4) to determine the relationship between parental characteristics and twinning; 5) and to determine the relative contributions of heritability (genes) and environment to child growth, development and health. The PhD student will manage this study.

Twins aged 0-5 years will be recruited by approaching their parents through the news letter of the Twins and Multiple Births Association (TAMBA), local twins clubs, and by approaching lapsed members of Tamba. Assuming a recruitment rate of 50%, we expect to sign up 3000 monozygotic and 4000 dizygotic twins. The twin parents will be asked to complete a paper and/or online questionnaire on parental characteristics, birth anthropometry, child growth and health, zygosity, confounding factors and the "Parents` Evaluation of Developmental Status" (PEDS). Heritability of all outcome measures as described above will be estimated by variance components modelling. The results of each group of outcome measures will be separately published in peer reviewed international journals. As this study will involve online data capture, the PhD student will also perform some methodological studies into the validity of internet based research.

Applicants should hold a Master Degree or equivalent in a medical, psychological or biological science that is associated with the subject area. Knowledge of IT, child development and statistics and demonstrated scientific affinity is an asset. Non-UK applicants will have to prove proficiency in English.

The closing date is Thursday, 11th January 2007. More information can be found at here

Mrs. Anne Walker, PA Professor Maurice Zeegers
Unit of Genetic Epidemiology
Department of Public Health & Epidemiology
University of Birmingham
Birmingham , B15 2TT , United Kingdom
T: +44 121 414 7578
F: +44 121 414 2528
E: a.walker@bham.ac.uk

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